4 SEO Resolutions for 2014

It’s that time of year when everyone is planning their New Year’s resolutions. And while your personal resolution might be to get to the gym more frequently, finally take that dream vacation, or save more money, don’t forget to add a few SEO resolutions to list so you can help your website perform better than ever in 2014! Here are 4 SEO resolutions every site owner and marketer should make.

 I will commit to at least one blog each week.
4 SEO Resolutions for 2014Content creation and promotion is one of the cornerstones of SEO. If you aren’t actively producing content sooner or later you are going to fall behind compared to your competition. Each blog post can rank in the SERPs, just like a page on your website. Each post gives you the ability to focus on different key terms, helping you reach a broader audience. Each post can also earn links and social shares over time, helping drive traffic and build the authority of your website long term. While not every website can turn into a content marketing machine, most businesses can commit to at least one post a week for starters.

 I will focus on earning quality links, not building easy links.
The days of quick and easy link building are long behind us. Not only do these junk links provide no real SEO value, they can actually hurt your website! Penguin is on the hunt for sites that used spammy tactics to build unnatural links and you don’t want to give Google any reason to doubt the integrity of your SEO program. Unnatural links can lead to either a manual penalty or an algorithmic penalty and that is not how you want to start 2014! Focus on earning quality links by producing great content, the kind that people want to link to, and getting actively involved in your industry. What new partnerships can you create? What events can you sponsor? How can you earn quality links that will actually serve to drive traffic to your website?

#  I will be more socially active and engaged.
While we can’t say for sure if social signals will completely replace traditional links we (and by that I mean the SEO industry) can’t deny that social signals and shares are becoming more and more important and SEO and social intertwine. You have to actively promote your content to get it in front of as many eyeballs as you can. And don’t be afraid to share other people’s content as well! Share and share alike. Get involved, ask questions and give answers; talk with other industry leaders and prospects via social channels, share ideas and opinions. The more active you get the more prominent your social brand will be and the more authoritative your website will be.

 I will do my best to stay informed about what’s going on in the world of SEO.
You don’t need to be an SEO expert, but the game is changing so much (and so quickly) that you need to at least have an idea of what is going on. Follow top SEO sites like Search Engine Land so you know when Google pushes new updates out, how that affects your SEO program, and what you can do to protect your website from future changes.

Search Engine Optimization Tips

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