On Page Optimization Tips and Guidelines

Suitable Domain Selection :
This is a suggestion of to select a domain with related services targeted business keywords. It would helps a lot to gain immediate search engine rankings. Domain name will play vital role in search engine ranking.

URL Structure Optimization :
URL structure is one of major factor to gain search engine rankings. Create unique static url’s based on targeted keywords.

Title Tags Optimization :
One of main factor of ranking. Create unique titles with related targeted keywords. Title tags is a major factor to get good search engine ranking.

Description Tags Optimization :
Create unique descriptions for related pages. It would helps to get index quickly to targeted keywords.

Meta Tags Optimization :
Meta tags will gives to index your website for more related other targeted keywords.

Header Tags Optimization :
H1 to H6 tags will helps to get good search engine ranking. This is also one of the good search engine factor to gain rankings.

Alt Tags & Image Title Tags Optimization :
Alt tags will plays major role to get index your website images. We can drive good amount of traffic through images. So it will also will give you good weight-age for your website.

Internal Linking Structure :
Internal linking structure also will generate more page view and good back link internally, this will helps you to get search engine ranking.

Content Optimization :
Content is KING for SEO. We should create content with related targeted keywords. This is one of the major factor to gain rankings. Content also will play main role to stay visits, re-turn visits.

Keyword Density :
Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on your web page compared to the total number of words on the page. It should be between 1 to 3 (%) percentage.  

Technical Analysis :
Below are good seo technical tips to improve your website more search engine friendly. And also you track your website business, sales and leads. And also you can check your website status through below tips.

Analytics Setup
Goals Setup
Webmaster Tools
Sitemap Creation
301 Redirect

Avoid Common On-Page SEO Mistakes:
Avoid Automatic Duplicate URL’s
Duplicate Meta Data
No Duplicate Content
Keyword Spamming
Hidden Text
Hidden Links
Building Low Quality Back Links

SEO Tips and Tricks

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