Share B2B Content on LinkedIn

An internet marketing campaign should be well rounded in order to increase website visitors from a variety of sources. SEO is an important component, however it’s a long term strategy. Optimizing B2B content doesn’t mean that it will shoot to the top of the search engine results page. In addition to including specific keywords, the content also needs to generate links and be shared naturally to establish trust. When you publish B2B content it must be promoted to start to generate this kind of natural activity. For B2B content, one of the best places to share it is LinkedIn.
Share B2B Content on LinkedIn

B2B content should be shared throughout all social media channels, but the focus should really be LinkedIn, simply because it’s the social network that has a business focus. Facebook still leans towards B2C marketing and Twitter streams are becoming more and more cluttered. Google+ is important simply because it’s a Google product but it still doesn’t have the user base of the other primary social networks. LinkedIn is the best chance to get noticed by target audience members when they are most receptive to receiving the message.

Sharing your content with your LinkedIn followers on your company LinkedIn page and having employees share content with their followers is a good start, but not everyone that would find your content useful is following your business or employees. The key is to look for additional opportunities to share your content in LinkedIn, primarily LinkedIn groups. There are thousands of groups on LinkedIn, it’s just a matter of finding and joining the groups that are the most relevant to what your business has to offer.

Start with the LinkedIn search feature and search for groups to join. Search using all of the keywords that you are targeting on your site, the different industries that you target, the verticals that you offer, and the job titles that you target. Another good reference point are your current followers. Take a look at the groups that they are a member of and join any that are relevant. This should be done once you start your LinkedIn campaign, but should really happen on an ongoing basis since new groups are always being established and sometimes what you offer may shift into a new territory opening up new opportunities with LinkedIn groups.

Once you’ve come up with a robust list of groups, they need to be joined by employees that can share the content. A group cannot be joined by a brand page. Each person can join up to 50 groups. In a smaller niche 50 groups might be plenty but if you’ve found hundreds of relevant groups they will need to be split up among employees. Every time a piece of content is published, it should be shared with relevant groups. Not every piece is going to be relevant for every group which is where you need to be careful. Mass sharing to any and all groups can anger the group members, so be selective with which content with be shared with which groups. It’s also important to check in to see if the content has received any feedback so that you can respond. Remember, LinkedIn is a social network with requires an element of two way communication.

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