According to HubSpot, companies that blog have 97% more inbound links than those that do not. HubSpot research also indicates that 92% of companies who blogged multiple times a day have acquired a customer through their blog. But it’s important to mention that just because you publish something that doesn’t automatically make it anything special. In 2012, eMarketer reported that there are 31% more bloggers today than there were three years ago and we can only assume that number has grown by even greater leaps and bounds since then. With so much content going around B2B marketers have to get smart with their blogging habits to ensure their content isn’t getting lost in the shuffle.
Here are 4 ways to get smart with your B2B blogging:
$. Create a schedule and stick to it:
As mentioned above, companies that blog daily are much more likely to acquire a new customer through their B2B blog. While smaller businesses might not be able to commit to multiple blogs a day everyone can commit to at least one blog post a week. You want to train yourself, as well as your readers, to get used to seeing fresh content on a regular basis. The more content you create the better reason you give Google to come back and re-crawl your website, which in turns helps your existing content get indexed faster. Content creation on a regular basis also ensures your social media channels have a steadily supply of content to promote and share.
$. Get more voices involved in the content creation process:
If your B2B organization has a few extra hands, try to get more voices involved in the content creation process. Adding another writer or two to your blog adds different perspectives and tones to the content you are creating, helping you connect with a different segment of your target audience. Different people are going to approach the same situation in different ways, meaning two or three writers could be talking about the same issue and have entirely different points of view. Your B2B blog is oftentimes a primary source of communication with your audience, so having multiple writers gives readers the opportunity to connect with the style and personality they prefer.
$. Always write for your audience:
Always, always, always focus your B2B blogging on the needs and wants of your audience. What are their concerns, fears, issues, pain points? What are they looking to learn more about? What are their most common questions? Your blog should be used to educate your target audience because a more educated prospect ultimately makes for a better client. The more information you can give to your readers the more they learn to trust, respect, and rely upon you. That kind of relationship can help turn a blog reader into a customer down the road.
$. Remember that B2B blogging is a long term process:
Just like SEO, B2B blogging is a long term process. Just because you start writing that doesn’t mean you will get much attention, either organically or from readers, very quickly. It can take months, if not years, to build up a strong and loyal readership. And Google doesn’t usually catapult fresh content to the top of the SERPs the moment it goes lives, especially if it’s from a new and unproven source. Just keep your head down and keep on writing!
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